Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our Wedding Ring

July 10, 2010 after attending the bridal fair at LA Convention Center, my parents, brother and I went to LA downtown (at Jewelry district street) to scout for a wedding ring. 

Fulfilling their promised wedding gift to us, mom and dad patiently browsed for a wedding ring.  I told them as much as possible to look for a simple wedding band with no stones or diamonds, a ring that Allen and I can wear everyday and that is not eye catching.  

Again, parents always want the best for their children.  They still insisted to have some small diamonds on our wedding ring.  Finding the perfect wedding ring for us is not easy, specially now that there are a lot of choices, specially at the Jewelry district of LA downtown, one whole day is not enough to browse all the jewelry store. :)

After hopping to different jewelry stalls, finally we've found a simple wedding band.  It was almost 5 PM in the afternoon and stalls are almost about to close ... luckily we were able to buy a wedding ring that comes with an engagement ring at a good price.  Yes, it has an engagement ring, it's a set and we cannot purchase it per piece, it comes together.  Good thing, dad was able to negotiate the set of ring at a price of two rings and having the 3rd ring considered as free.  Oh well, it was really a good deal.  Now, I've got 2 engagement ring, maybe I'll ask Allen to propose again, as soon as I arrive in the Philippines :)

Mom and Dad browsing for wedding rings

Finally, after stall hopping, mom and dad is now 
buying wedding ring for us (at SIE store)

 Our wedding band :)

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